Saturday, January 12, 2013

The 'speed' boat

As a bit of a treat one day (when the tide was too high to visit the sandbank), we travelled up-river to a park. We've done this trip before, but this time our trusty Captain (Uncle Tyden) took us further and faster than ever before...and the kids loved it! There were lots of screams and yelps (the excited kind) and thankfully I was right at the front of the boat and didn't lose my hearing.  Here's a windswept Eli, enjoying the ride.

Charlie and Harrison were in on the fun too!

Alora and Eli were having a blast (literally) and everyone squeeled with glee (yes, that includes me) when Uncle Tyden pulled some very tight circles up in the water ski section of the river.

After such excitement on the river, the park wasn't as exciting as it has been in the fact the kids were pretty excited to get back on the boat to speed back to the beach house!

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