Friday, January 11, 2013

All I want for three stitches in my chin?

We'd headed to the coast a few days before Christmas this year and were having a great time - Eli was starting to catch waves  both with and without his boogie board (I'll no doubt come back to this in a future post) - when disaster intervened. As those of you that know Eli well will know, he can't really stay still for long and so it was, on Christmas Eve, when he was swivelling around on Grandad's recliner. Now I know I probably should have taught Eli about centrifugal force earlier, but I guess there is no substitute for first hand experience. Long story short - he fell off the chair and landed with a hefty whack, chin first, on the tiled floor. I was sitting in the chair next to him, so I swept him up pretty quickly, only to discover a hole where one shouldn't the Doctor said later on, it's like Eli had a new mouth open up at his lots of stress (on my part) and crying (on Eli's part) and support (from Grandma) later, Eli had three stitches in his chin and, worse still, directions to stay out of the water for the next two days! So much for a surf on Christmas Day! To his credit Eli was (as always) a great patient and handled it all pretty well (including not getting in the water). I think Christmas Day the next day helped a bit too...

As a bit of a post-script, Eli's chin has healed up nicely now, although I think there will be a scar (despite my Vitamin E treatments!). As a few people have told me, that will be fine, he's a boy and it might even impress girls further down the track...

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