Saturday, January 12, 2013

Paddling pursuits

Once Eli had the all clear to resume watery activities from the Doctor, we were back into things with a vengence. Just for something a little bit different we got one of the old surf skis out on the canal and Tyden, Grandma and I all enjoyed a paddle up and down the canal. Eli was desperately keen to have a go too, even despite the fact that he had to keep his life jacket on. After a few tentative paddles he quickly got the hang of it and as you can see from the photos, he moved on to some other activities too. Eli and I went on a paddle together for a while too and when we got back to the beach house Eli decided to show everyone his 'self rescue', as demonstrated in the video.

Fast forward just a couple of days and Eli had convinced me that he could paddle without his life jacket on (yes, I'm a pushover, but he was closely supervised!). His paddling style was vastly improved too and I can now imagine us doing quite a bit of paddling together down the track - it has actually made me start thinking of kayaks and roof racks - yes, I think there is lots to look forward to now that Eli is on top of his swimming!

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