Friday, January 11, 2013

Santa really delivers!

After our excitement on Christmas Eve (see the previous post), Eli was very excited to see if Santa had taken notice of how brave he was when getting his stitches. I'm not 100% convinced that Santa would view bravery at the Doctor without also considering ridiculous chair-riding behaviours, but let's leave that debate for another time.

It turns out that Santa had more than lived up to his reputation, as Eli received not just a stocking full of gifts, but also a crate worth of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle figurines (which is exactly what Eli had asked for). He was particularly chuffed when he unwrapped his favourite - Leonardo (the leader in blue).


After opening Santa's gifts, the kids all sat at the kitchen bench for some breakfast, before reconvening at the Christmas Tree for another gift unwrapping session!

Here's a nice photo of Grandma and Grandad, and one of Eli and I near the Christmas Tree - all of us looking nice and relaxed (prior to the huge session of gift giving).

Eli was understandably quite content with his loot from before breakfast, although a couple more Ninja Turtle 'bad guys' from Daddy put a nice big smile on his face!

The rest of the Eli's day was largely dedicated to playing with the Ninja Turtles in various fighting poses...Eli also really enjoyed taking photos of them with his camera.

Fortunately, Eli wasn't completely anti-social and he did take some time out to show Oliver, Harrison and Charlie how to play with the dinosaurs we gave them....

After a delicious Christmas Day lunch, Eli and Alora got to eat the snowmen that they had created, with Grandma's help, the day before. Even though his snowman looked great, Eli had absolutely no quarms devouring his head!

1 comment:

Rhea G. said...

Your parents look great, Wade!