Saturday, January 12, 2013

Hike to hell and back

Eli and I decided to kick off the New Year with a big hike in the Noosa National Park. Our goal was to walk all the way from the park entrance to Hell's Gates and back (and then back to Noosa for a gelati if we felt we could go that far). It was a hot day (32 C) and a long hike (something in the order of 5.7 km) and yes, it is true that Eli wanted me to carry him at one stage, but in the end he did a great job (fuelled by Minties!) and we made it all the way. It's such a picturesque part of the world that the view (and the accompanying sea breeze) certainly helped.

 Here's Eli, at Hell's Gates...

...and this is the view of Hell's Gates, looking towards Alexandria Bay...

The hike back from Hell's Gates went surprisingly quickly, in part because we were aided by a tailwind (not much physically, but it helped mentally!)

The surf at Tea Tree Bay was awesome, with a surfer on every wave of every set...just perfect.

After a very long walk, here's Eli tucking into his reward, a chocolate and strawberry gelati from Mossimo's.

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