This year we enjoyed celebrating Australia Day (January 26) at Uncle Tyden and Aunty Anne's house and even though it was a bit wet (thanks to ex-tropical cyclone Oswald!) we still got into the spirit of things. Eli was incredibly excited about the prospect of toad races, but the wait was killing him (strangely enough noone else seemed quite as excited as he was), so he and I found about a dozen snails and decided to host our very own Australia Day races.
Eli's toad fared quite well, but a large and particularly ugly toad (belonging to the family of the race organiser!) won the race. A second race was then run (with no prizes on offer) and Eli sped off after one of the faster toads that made a dash for the pool. Some of the other kids tried retrieving it, but only Eli could scoop it up (what can I say, he's a natural!). The excitement of the toad races was soon over, but then Eli caught wind of the fact that a few other prizes were also up for grabs. The first was for the 'ugliest toad' and the second was for the 'most popular name' for a toad. Eli went straight into his lobbyist/campaign mode and was very keen to learn the result of the 'most popular name' competition - I'm sure that Debbie had had quite enough of him by the end of the day. After surveying all 19 kids and 15 adults (with the exception of those that were too young to contribute meaningfully), Debbie tallied up the votes. It was a close call, with 'Red Racer' receiving a lot of popular votes, but in the end 'Yoko' was announced the winner of the 'most popular name' competition. Eli was thrilled! His prize was a squirter bottle (plus chemicals) for chasing toads away. I don't think we'll be using it, but just being announced the winner was enough to put a big smile on Eli's face. And he's already talking up next year's event, suggesting that we need to search high and low in our neighbourhood for a super fast toad...something to look forward to in January 2014!