Monday, January 18, 2010

Eli's surf school

All on his own and with no prompting from me, Eli has started to show a very keen interest in surfing. In fact, he's already pretty much ditched the air-filled surf mat I bought him for Christmas and is now only interested in the blue boogie board that he can stand up on. As an example, here are a few pics of him 'surfing' in the canal at Noosa.

Of course, it doesn't always go so well, as demonstrated in these two photos from a session at the sandbank...

Even though he doesn't like saltwater in his eyes (and who can blame him), he's always keen to climb back on and 'dance' on the board again. These last two video's showing how comfortable he is getting up on the board and how fleet-footed he is - not bad for a little fella that is not yet three years old!

1 comment:

Pasul said...

Now he just needs a kite ;)