Monday, January 18, 2010

Does Santa go in for rust proofing?

Does anyone know if Santa rust proofs? The reason I ask is that Eli quickly decided that the Tonka truck and boat that Santa gave him could go into saltwater, no questions asked. So, on Boxing Day, when we got up early and headed off in the boat to our favourite sandbank, Eli's truck and boat came with us. Obviously I'm comfortable with the boat hiting the water, but as you can see from these photos, Eli took a few liberties with the truck that I wouldn't have...not only did he submerse it in water, but he also took to filling it up with sand. And I'm really not sure what we were doing with the trailer, but surely the engineers at Tonka have thought of this sort of use?

After driving his boat over every square centimetre of the sandbank, Eli then dropped the anchor and secured the vessel on the shore (just as Grandad was doing much the same in the background).

Despite his attachment to his boat and truck, Eli did take a few moments out of his busy schedule on this visit to the sandbank to chase some you can see from the photo below, the pelicans were big enough that they probably could have gobbled him up in one go, but thankfully they didn't. Maybe they know that he punches well above his weight, because they took to the air long before he got anywhere near them.

That afternoon, our swim in the canal also involved some Tonka testing. Initially Eli launched the boat and was going to leave the truck on the sand, but then thought better of it, dragging it into the depths...

Thankfully Grandma had the common sense (perhaps recalling similar activities 30 odd years ago?) to attach a few shoelaces to the truck and the boat, otherwise we may have lost them to the bottom of the canal.

I'm happy to report that after several days of rigorous testing along these lines, I can inform the Tonka engineers that although the truck's axles have begun to rust and the stickers are peeling off, the rest of the vehicle (which is plastic) is holding up well.

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