Monday, January 18, 2010

The Christmas festivous!

Christmas Day consisted of two parts - Eli celebrating in Noosa, followed by Eli celebrating in Maleny. Fortunately, naps and a good drive in the car separated these celebrations, otherwise we may not have survived.

Not being one to miss out on the festivities, Eli woke early on Christmas morning, around 5am (which isn't actually that different from his normal wake up time). He was pretty impressed that Santa had found him at Noosa and that pretty much every gift under the Christmas tree was his for the taking...

Eli wasted no time ripping into the gifts and there were so many that he actually didn't spend much time enjoying the gifts at first - I think the ripping was the most exciting part, as demonstrated by the carnage in these photos.

After a gruelling unwrapping session, Eli sat contentedly on the floor with his new Kookaburra friend. I asked him if he was happy and he delivered his trademark cheesey grin, followed by a more sedate smile (which took some coaching!).

But there was no time for lounging around - we soon jumped into the car and headed up the range for Christmas lunch in Maleny. Here we found more relatives, another Christmas tree and more presents for Eli!

Eli and Alora took on the role of Santa's little helpers, which was supposed to simply involve the delivery of presents to their intended recipients. For those gifts that Eli couriered, it's fair to say that not many of them arrived at their destination with the wrapping paper still intact, but I guess that's all part of his high-end service.

Eli's paper ripping was starting to loose it's zest towards the end of the gift-giving session, but he soon got his spark back when he discovered a toy that makes the world's most annoying (and loud) noise...

While Eli and Alora wallowed in gifts, Charlie, Harrison and Oliver just took it all in from their spot on the floor...I can only imagine what chaos next Christmas (and the next few after that) will bring.

Eli and Dad nearing the end of a tiring, but successful, Christmas Day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice blog with nice picture of cuties enjoying the Christmas celebration. Your Christmas decorations are just fabulous and your home is beautiful!