Thursday, April 11, 2013

Slip 'n slide

Santa delivered a slip 'n slide to Eli's cousins at Christmas time. Unfortunately it didn't see any use at the time, owing in part to Eli's untimely disagreement with some tiles and the subsequent stitches in his chin. Luckily Aunty Anne remembered it at Easter, so out it came, complete with dish soap to make it even more slippery. None of the kids really knew what it was all about, but it didn't take them long to get into it. They all started off sliding with an inflatable board, but after a while Eli ditched it and just went for the more traditional sliding action.



And now here's a sequence of shots on one of Eli's slides...

Of course Eli always likes to try and push the envelope with activities like this, so after a while he started to try and spin while he was sliding...this worked really well a few times, but quickly went wrong when he tried to be a bit too creative and he ended up on the grass more than on the slide. He was largely undeterred though and continued running in and trying new stunts long after all of the other kids were done and had gone inside. I wasn't surprised then that he liked the sound of possibly putting the slide on the beach and sliding into the canal...but we'll save that activity for another day (and perhaps a time when the younger cousins aren't around).

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