Thursday, April 11, 2013

Six of the best

Eli is six. That means we're now only seven short years (and a bottle or two of mutagen) away from him living his dream of becoming a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. Yes, he is obsessed with the Ninja Turtles. As a result, he was totally thrilled when most of his birthday gifts were Ninja Turtle themed. Not only did he get the Leonardo sword and mask that he'd been asking for over the past few months (thanks Grandma Susan!), but he also got Ninja Turtle books, games and even undies (I couldn't resist!). He also got a very large playset from me, so now he has a great place to play with his Ninja Turtle toys.

Here he is with his freshly assembled Ninja Turtle playset - it is almost as big as he is!

Given that he'd been waiting so long, I guess I shouldn't have been surprised that he wanted to wear his mask all morning and practice his Leonardo moves with his katanas. This is serious stuff!

After a busy morning of Ninja Turtling, we headed over to see Eli's cousins - Eli was very excited to share his birthday with them and gave each cousin a nice big cuddle to celebrate his gift (some Ninja Turtle lego!).

Here are Eli and Alora...

...and Eli and Harrison...

...and Eli and Charlie...

 ...and Eli and Oliver...

...and then I went for the totally impossible group shot...
After a crazy runaround in the afternoon, we had dinner with the whole family, including Grandma and Grandad. Eli was very happy being the centre of attention and was very excited to blow out six candles! It took him quite a while to get them all out though, because Grandma had unwittingly bought some re-lighting candles, so everytime they were blown out they'd light themselves up again. Eli's big puffs eventually won out and we all thought that it was very funny.

And then Eli cut the cake and made a wish - what a big (and very happy) boy he is now!

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