Thursday, April 11, 2013

Easter feaster

The Easter Bunny has a hard job. For our family he even does it harder than Santa, because we have an easter egg hunt and the poor rabbit has to place way-too-many eggs throughout the garden. If that's not enough, he has to contend with the threat of rain and the risks posed by curious birds or other animals that might feast on the booty before the kids emerge. In addition, the eggs need to be evenly, or at least fairly, distributed across all of the kids - five of them - to make sure that nobody misses out (I can just imagine the tears and chaos if Eli raced around collecting every single egg, or worse still if ended up with none at all!).

To the Easter Bunny's credit he came up with a very clever scheme to avoid the aforementioned Easter disaster this year, by laying out streamers that served as a guide (and a barrier) for each of the kids. Eli and Alora had no trouble chasing their trails, but the younger boys needed a bit of coaching, as you can see in the photo.  

At the end of the trail lay the 'grand egg prizes' for each child and as you can see, all of the kids were pretty happy with their lot. And Eli certainly wasted no time at all in feasting on the spoils of his hunt.

Later in the day we gave each other our Easter gifts - I gave Eli a toy instead of chocolate (I had a feeling he'd get a lot of it from the Easter Bunny!) and as you can see from the photo, he was pretty happy.

Another Easter down and it will be interesting to see what the Easter Bunny comes up with next year...I imagine that his planning should commence shortly.

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