Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Eli writes Eli!

Eli has recently really taken to drawing. He's always enjoyed it, but has only just recently opted, without prompting from me, to sit and draw at his table quite a lot (and I must say that I've been very thankful for his interest in this partly sedentary activity).

Now if I had to characterise Eli's works of art I'd have to say that they are predominantly a) blue, b) scribbly, and c) did I mention that they were blue? Here's a typical masterpiece...

Eli's favourite media are crayons and pencils - in fact I think he'll be a sketch artist and not one that works with paints, because he still claims that "painting is too messy" by virtue of his obsessive compulsive perspective on cleanliness. Having said that, he has just graduated to washable marker pens (which tends to mean that I am met with requests to wash his hands more often) and has recently also expanded on his style, most notably by mimicking an aboriginal dot painting that hangs on one of our walls.

Finally and very significantly in my mind, he's also recently mastered writing his own name. Here's his first legible effort at "Eli", with limited coaching and no physical assistance from me. Pretty impressive for a 3 year old I think - although Christy and I did grant him a short and rather angular name to work with...nevertheless, I think this is a pretty solid effort.

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