Sunday, August 29, 2010

Three times one!

This past weekend we celebrated the boys' (Oliver, Harrison and Charlie) first birthday with a party in the park.

Happy Birthday dear Oliver...


...and Charlie!

Of course no trip to the park would be complete (for Eli) without a kick of footy, so here are a few pics of him showcasing his skills...

After a run around and a sausage for lunch, it was time to cut the cake! Not many things come in threes (aside from triplets of course), but Anne and Tyden cleverly sculpted a birthday cake in the shape of cricket wickets, with one stump dedicated to each birthday boy.

The fun and games didn't end at the park (at least not for Eli and Alora), because we went back to the house and started unwrapping all of the gifts (while the boys had a nap!).

After bath-time, Harrison, Charlie and Oliver came downstairs to check out the loot...

We all had a great day. I can't imagine what next year's birthday bash will be like, but I'm sure Eli will enjoy it immensely...

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