Saturday, April 25, 2009

Boy vs Dog - Battle for the Ball!

We headed up to Noosa at the end of February with Tyden, Anne, Alora and Fudge, lured by the promise of boat rides and lots of beach time. Eli just loves running around like a mad thing on the sandbank in the middle of the Noosa River (almost as much as Fudge does!), so we made two trips a day to make the most of it.

Tyden and Anne
always bring along a ball for Fudge to chase...invariably a battle ensues for the ball between Eli and Fudge, and given that neither of them understand the concept of sharing, it can get pretty competitive. Good thing one of them (Fudge) isn't inclined to bite. In this series of photos, Eli and Fudge are both enjoying the ball and giving each other plenty of close attention.

To the victor goes the spoils!

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