Sunday, April 26, 2009

Autumn beach sprints

Over summer Eli and I often headed to the nearest 'beach' for a dip in the bay. We both love it and it definitely helps that any mention of the word 'beach' tends to illicit excited responses - it's certainly the easiest way to get him into the car.

On one of our most recent visits to our local beach, which was on a beautiful autumn day in this part of the world, Eli and I had a lot of fun running up and down the beach. We still spent plenty of time in the water as well, but I'm not too keen taking my camera into the water with Eli splashing about.

Eli's more a boy than a toddler now and he's pretty fast when he wants to go somewhere, which is something that frequently catches me out. Here he comes, sprinting up the beach, with the customary ball in one hand.

Sprint finished, he spots me with the camera, slows down and says 'Cheese'...

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