Sunday, April 26, 2009

Autumn beach sprints

Over summer Eli and I often headed to the nearest 'beach' for a dip in the bay. We both love it and it definitely helps that any mention of the word 'beach' tends to illicit excited responses - it's certainly the easiest way to get him into the car.

On one of our most recent visits to our local beach, which was on a beautiful autumn day in this part of the world, Eli and I had a lot of fun running up and down the beach. We still spent plenty of time in the water as well, but I'm not too keen taking my camera into the water with Eli splashing about.

Eli's more a boy than a toddler now and he's pretty fast when he wants to go somewhere, which is something that frequently catches me out. Here he comes, sprinting up the beach, with the customary ball in one hand.

Sprint finished, he spots me with the camera, slows down and says 'Cheese'...

Chair surfing!

Eli has a new favourite pastime, which combines his dare-devil attitude to life with his keenness for the beach (or at least that's how I'm interpreting it). This new craze is called chair surfing and although it works well on all elevated platforms, it's best on rocking chairs (like the one in these photos). The premise is simple enough, get the chair rocking and then jump like crazy!

Once balance is lost, contestants are required to strike a pose (which I guess the imaginary judges have to grade) before taking up a steady stance and beginning all over again. Whilst it isn't essential, it is believed that the game is enhanced if the contestant holds a small car or similar toy in one hand.

Not only does Eli enjoy the thrill of this game, but I think he also enjoys my suggestions to 'Be careful! You little monkey!' He certainly knows that this game is not approved by the Household Games Committee (ie me), as can be attested by the cheeky smile he was giving me during this particular session. As a somewhat related side note, 'Careful' has recently become one of Eli's most used words, which is fitting given how often he should be practicing what he preaches.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

And then he was two.

Eli's 2nd birthday conveniently fell on a weekend. So, on Saturday April 4, we decided to celebrate his birthday and remember his wonderful mum with all of the people from work that have been so supportive of us over the past 4 months...

Before everyone arrived, Eli and his cousin Alora, got into the swing of things by attacking me with some party toys!

Once everyone arrived, the kids played pass the parcel, courtesy of Vanessa's family for organising it, which was a big hit. Every layer of the parcel had a jelly snake, so every player won something.

Since Eli isn't familiar with eating these sorts of things...he gave it to me and then watched very closely as I devoured it...

After the fun of the game, it was time for Eli to blow out the candles on his cake. My mum had gone to great lengths to prepare him for this important task and he took to it with ease...there's nothing quite like blowing out a flame for a little boy I reckon. My mum had also gone to a lot of trouble crafting a Thomas and Toby cake (Eli's favourite tv characters at present) and he loved it. In fact, he wouldn't let us throw it out for at least a week after his birthday.

After the cake cutting, it was time to open presents. I'd asked people not to bring anything for Eli, since he already has so many toys, but I don't think anyone took notice of that advice. So, there was a mountain of gifts to unwrap, which, as you can see, kept Eli, myself and I host of other kids busy for quite a while.

We all had a great day and Eli handled all of the excitement and attention really well...not too surprising, since he tends to love a crowd to perform in front of. We finished off the day with another candle-blowing session in his high chair.

Boy vs Dog - Battle for the Ball!

We headed up to Noosa at the end of February with Tyden, Anne, Alora and Fudge, lured by the promise of boat rides and lots of beach time. Eli just loves running around like a mad thing on the sandbank in the middle of the Noosa River (almost as much as Fudge does!), so we made two trips a day to make the most of it.

Tyden and Anne
always bring along a ball for Fudge to chase...invariably a battle ensues for the ball between Eli and Fudge, and given that neither of them understand the concept of sharing, it can get pretty competitive. Good thing one of them (Fudge) isn't inclined to bite. In this series of photos, Eli and Fudge are both enjoying the ball and giving each other plenty of close attention.

To the victor goes the spoils!