Sunday, April 20, 2014

Summertime rituals

After our Christmas in Brisbane we hit the beach, introducing Jenny, Izzy and Alex to some of our own summertime rituals...  Of course our first stop was to catch some waves at the beach - here we are heading out into the small Noosa surf...
We continued the beach theme the next morning, but this time we had the whole Hadwen tribe along - I really like this photo as it captures so many of us as we hit the surf! From right to left we have Grandad, Aunty Anne, Charlie, Grandma, Alex, Harrison, Oliver, Alora and Eli! Eli decided to let Izzy and Alex use his boogie board - he explained to me that he now prefers to body surf (and he's getting pretty good at it too as you can see in this video).

Not content with just sharing the surf-based activities on show, Eli and I were both keen to take Jenny, Izzy and Alex to the sandbank as well. Eli even tried his hand at the yabby pump, but his strengths still mostly lie with picking them up (and avoiding getting nipped) rather than doing the pumping...we got a good range of sizes and thanks to Uncle Tyden's cap, we brought home enough to get everyone fishing off the jetty (with some success too!).

The next day Eli wanted to go to Little Cove, his favourite beach, and show everyone the sea squirts living on the rocks...with hilarious results as this video shows...

Eli was once again keen to go snorkelling, so we also spent some time exploring the underwater world of the seasquirts (luckily it was a fullish tide).

And here are some underwater photos of the seasquirts...just because I like them.
The next day we decided to take a walk into the Noosa National Park, to make the most of the beautiful weather and to get away from the crowds. We walked from Hastings Street, so not only did we enjoy the walk along the boardwalk around First Point, but we also ventured deep into the National Park, around to Tea Tree Bay. Here we had more beach to ourselves and after having a swim, we made the most of it by building sandcastles and, ultimately, burying each other in the sand...

We also had a bit of fun drawing bodies around our buried heads, as you can see from these photos of Eli and I (yes, I relented and agreed to get buried too).
We had an excellent summer holiday at the beach...and I think there will be many more to follow...

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