Monday, April 7, 2014

A different Christmas

As many of you would know, Eli and I typically spend our Christmases at the beach. This Christmas was a little different, in that we decided to stay in Brisbane and celebrate Christmas with Jenny, Izzy, Alex and Sasha (their pug). I assured Eli that Santa would know where he was (surely the bigger concern would be whether he had been good or bad?) and we woke on Christmas morning to find that Santa had indeed delivered...
Eli, Alex and Izzy all had very full stockings and they were quite happy to share in the fun with Sasha, as you can see from these photos which have her teamed up with Izzy and Alex's Minions and with Eli's you will have guessed by now, she's a remarkably tolerant dog!


After spending the morning at Jenny's house, we then went to her sister's place for lunch (and more presents) and a swim too! 

It was a great Christmas Day and Eli was certainly happy that Santa and I were both able to deliver some Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle posters and I just have to get them up on his bedroom wall!

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