Saturday, May 4, 2013

The putt-putt prodigy.

Eli has wanted to play putt-putt for a very long time. I must confess that I had held him back because he hasn't always been great at regulating his power when it comes to ball sports, but as we wondered past our local driving range the other day, I thought "Why not?" As you might imagine, he was very excited (and a bit miffed that there was a putt-putt course so close to our house that he didn't know about!).

As for his playing, well he was more timid than I had expected he might be (no signs at all of wild swings and flying golf balls!) and not unsurprisingly, he was really good at it! It really only took him a couple of holes to get the hang of it and before long he was slotting some amazing shots, including an awesome hole-in-one that I miraculously managed to capture on video! I really like his facial expressions in this video - it goes from concentration, to shock, to elation.

All in all it was a great little outing. On the way home I made the mistake of telling Eli about the more complex course designs that I've seen - including water features and lots of tunnels and moving obstacles - so it should have come as no surprise to me when he woke up this morning demanding that we find a harder course to tackle! Thankfully I distracted him today, but I'm sure we'll be heading to the coast sometime soon to try out our luck on new courses...

1 comment:

Pasul said...

Watch out, Adam Scott!!