Saturday, May 4, 2013


Eli has had a scooter for a while now and after some serious practice in recent times he's getting more and more accomplished and, as Grandma recently found out, much faster too. To address the dual challenges of keeping up with him and getting me some exercise, I decided that I'd get a scooter too, so Eli and I can explore the local pathways together. So, after making my purchase Eli and I headed down to the bay for a scoot. It was a beautiful day, just perfect for scooting our way alongside the water.

Some distance into our adventure we came across a really interesting little harbour which houses some pretty dilapidated old boats that Eli was keen on investigating. Many of them aren't seaworthy anymore, especially the semi-submerged one with the rocking chair in it!

We ended up scooting for a touch over 1.5 hours, so we both were pretty tired by the time we got back to the car. Eli was a little bit sore too, because we went down one pretty steep section of the track (which also had a lot of rocks and sticks on it) and Eli started going way too fast - his solution (which worked well in terms of slowing him down) was to basically launch himself over the front of his scooter and come down hard on the path at full stretch. Not surprisingly, he got back up with a few tears and some new gravel rash on his hands and hip. Thankfully he regained his composure pretty quickly (I told him it was ok and that I have had gravel rash on my hip probably 1000 times in my life and that it is all just a part of growing up) and was back on the scooter (and braving the steeper sections again) in no time at all. We've since done a few more scooter adventures too, both in our neighbourhood and along the Brisbane River, so I think I'll have to do some more homework to find where all of the best paths are... 

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