Thursday, October 11, 2012

Zoomy on foot (his own and Eli's).

I don't know what was going on in Zoomy's head, but on a recent turtle walking adventure he was quite interactive with Eli. I often set Eli the challenge of keeping on eye on the turtles while I'm cleaning the tank, both because we don't want them to disappear and we don't want a kookaburra to fly off with them. 

On this particular occassion Swifty hunkered down at the edge of the grass (as per normal), but Zoomy was really active - every time we put him on the grass he quickly headed in the direction of the nice warm rocks alongside our garden bed.

To control the risk that Zoomy would disappear and/or take a tumble down the steps, Eli decided that he'd sit along the garden edge and play the role of the sentry. It turned out that Zoomy didn't mind at all and he just continued in Eli's direction and would ultimately climb over Eli's foot, leg or hand to get to his desired destination.

I must say that Eli did a great job of staying remarkably still during these interactions, especially since Zoomy's sharp claws do tend to dig in a bit when he's trying to climb over your leg!


This video shows Zoomy in action, approaching, assessing and ultimately climbing over Eli's leg. It also features my coaching about staying still (which is certainly not a highlight) and Eli's little yelp towards the end relfects the sharpness of Zoomy's scratches though, so it was all good. Ultimately Eli had a lot of fun and Zoomy got a great workout.

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