Thursday, October 11, 2012

First year tiger...

Eli has been a real little squirt this winter. That's not a derogatory term, it's just what his age group is referred to at his soccer club, the Tarragindi Tigers. Squirts don't play real games - actually they do play lots of games, it's just that none of them are soccer (and yes, it is ironic). In fact over the course of their one hour session each Friday night they enjoy lots of different activities, all of which are designed to get them moving and using their feet (and heads - including brains). Eli really enjoyed it, but I was frustrated by the lack of actual soccer (and I wasn't the only parent in that boat), but I guess that will come next year and for years and years and years after that, so I shouldn't be too impatient. One of the highlights was the bond that Eli forged with one of his coaches, a 12 year called Ollie - here are a few pics of Eli and his coach on the last session for season 2012. I'm not sure what pose and face Eli is pulling in the second photo, but I thought it was amusing enough to include.

At the end of the season Eli and all of his team-mates received a medal for their efforts across the season. Eli was particularly excited when he was the first person to receive his medal - I think in his mind that meant that he was the best and that he'd managed to win a more signifcant prize than everyone else. For what it is worth, I didn't try too hard to discourage that thought - after all, he was definitely one of the best players!

Here's a photo of his 'team' - otherwise really just a collection of energetic five year olds. Will any of these kids play for the socceroo's in 15 years or so?
Here's a photo of Eli proudly showing off his medal - he was really pretty chuffed with himself.


There is one game that they play in Squirts that resembles soccer. This involves the coaches maintaining possession of the ball amidst the pressure that about 10 5 year old impose on them (not all of it legal under regular soccer rules). Eli tends to put his speed to good use during this 'drill' and he tends to be one of only a handful of kids that can actually win the ball back off the coaches from time to time. Here's a video of Eli and his team-mates in action, chasing after the coaches!

 All in all we both enjoyed Eli's first year of soccer and we're both looking forward to some real soccer action in 2013...

1 comment:

Rhea G. said...

Yes, soccer has to start somewhere. Eli looks good for 5 years.