Eli is always busy. For those of you that have spent time with him recently, you'd know that one of the ways he occupies his time is by adding to his 'collection' (see The Bone post too). His 'collection' largely consists of sticks, bark, leaves, berries and nuts and when he's done his collecting locally, his collection usually resides in his wheelbarrow out near the back door.
Eli used to just load up the wheelbarrow with whatever he'd found, but recently, and with no prompting at all from me, he has started to 'process' some of the berries before adding them to his barrow of loot. He's taken to smashing off the outer husk of his nuts and berries (using a stone from the garden) which means that he's got a nice little collection of nuts and the area where he has set up his mill now has a lot of accumulated organic debris (spread far and wide mind you, not piled up neatly like his collection pieces).
Here are a few photos and a video from a recent collector-gatherer-miller session...note his bone and the post-processed berries to the front right of the photos.
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