On the second-last day of 2010, and fuelled by excitement generated by the 'as-advertised-on-tv' promise that Bindi the Jungle Girl would be there (NB Eli was excited, I was not), we decided to brave the crowds and head to Australia Zoo. It was packed, but we were determined to get a good seat in the 'Crocoseum' to watch Bindi 'sing and dance' (and, from my perspective, to see some animals too!)... For those of you not aware of Bindi Irwin's talents, here's a taste of what you've been missing...
Despite my reluctance, I eventually agreed to go with Eli and Alora up to in front of the stage where Bindi was performing...just look at how excited Eli was...I'll be sure to pull this photo out again when Eli turns 18, just to embarrass him - there were a few boys there, but not many.
After Bindi's show, the real stars came out and I don't just mean Terri, Bindi and Robert - we actually saw a great animal show which featured a snake (which swam next to its handler) and lots of different birds which were released into the Crocoseum or, in the case of the Jabiru, flew in from his enclosure! And then finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Graham the crocodile took centre stage.
Here's Graham leaping for his lunch...
And here he lunges for some tucker which he devours (after a customary death roll or two).
Thankfully, Eli likes the animals a little bit more than he likes Bindi (although that popularity contest is still a bit too close for my liking) and he was pretty excited about the prospect of seeing his favourite animal, namely 'koala, horsey, elephant, cassowary, emu' - that's what he always says when someone asks him what his favourite animal is, although the way he says it is something more along the lines of 'koalahorseyelephantcassowaryemu', which tends to confuse people just a bit.
The animals and the enclosures at Australia Zoo are great and we did manage to see all of Eli's favourite animals. Eli was delighted and he was really taken with the Blue Macau's too, so much so that when I asked him what animal did he like best at the zoo he replied 'koalahorseyelephantcassowaryemu and the parrots'.
Eli is impressed that Cassowaries are considered to be dangerous...
We were all pretty tired after a big day at the zoo, but we thoroughly enjoyed it.
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