I must have missed it during the year, but it turns out that according to Santa, Eli had been an extraordinarily good boy during 2010...he absolutely cleaned up on Christmas Day, so much so that we were still opening some presents at 3pm in the afternoon! Admittedly, we did take a few breaks along the way. Here's how the day unfolded...
First thing in the morning (although thankfully not too early, despite Alora getting up before 5am!) Eli, Alora, Oliver, Harrison and Charlie explored the contents of their stockings. Santa clearly does his homework, because the contents of Eli's stocking were overwhelmingly blue and included some plush toys that Eli loves - a blue horse and a blue Penicillin, yes, you read correctly - a blue antibiotic!
After breakfast, Grandmop, Grandpop and Aunty Bam arrived and we got into the serious task of distributing gifts...Eli and Alora were my helpers for this very important task - I read the gift tags and they were my 'runners', taking the gifts and telling the recipient who the gift was from...it was all a little bit exciting to start, but we soon got into the swing of things. Alora got a bit distracted from the task once she started opening some of her presents, but Eli, to his credit, kept on going, delivering the presents to everyone, all day. Maybe he'll become a courier, or a postman, one day?
Here are some shots from the morning - Grandad, Alora and Eli getting into the spirit of Christmas and Eli, Charlie and Oliver helping Grandma opening one of her presents.

One of Alora's gifts was a keyboard with a microphone, so around lunchtime we were all treated to a show. Eli was on the keyboard first, while Alora, quite seriously, sang us a song (she actually had to stop singing at one stage because Eli's keyboard playing wasn't up to scratch). Then they switched and Eli assailed our senses as he yelled a long string of gibberish into the microphone. Not everyone can be musically gifted...
No Christmas Day at Noosa would be complete without a trip out to the sandbank. This year there was plenty of water around (and not much sandbank), but Eli and Alora still had a great time, especially once Grandpop declared himself to be a hungry crocodile! I don't think I've ever seen the two of them run so fast.
After some previous run-ins revolving around a certain blue ball (from a very old post a couple of years ago), it's great to see that Eli and Fudge are now great mates. The two of them often run around together on the sandbank. I actually think that Eli might just be starting to become the leader of the pack...it probably doesn't help that I call him 'Blue Wolf' every now and then...but it seems so fitting.
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