Monday, October 21, 2013

Take a hike (with Eli)!

We recently decided to do some local exploring.....on foot. We set off from home nice and early and Eli was particularly keen to look for signs of koalas - not so much like this one on the right, but more like the claw marks on tree trunks like those on the left. And we saw lots of them as we plunged deeper into the forest near our house.

For any of you that know him well, you will know that Eli is quite the collector, so he was also very excited to find lots of different types of rocks on the trail - if only I had Christy's geological knowledge to answer his questions! Aside from identifying quartz and sandstone, there wasn't much information I could give him. I love how he asks questions and wants to know so much about the world. I'm less keen on his desire to bring big rocks back home with him, especially since I become the packhorse for these ventures...after some negotiation, I finally got him to agree that we could take some photos of the bigger rocks, but leave them behind...phew!

It was a lovely day in the forest, we saw lots of these yellow Pultanaea flowers and plenty of different types of Eucalypts too, like this scribbly gum.

Eli spotted some ants that looked like they were drinking the sap from a scribbly gum - here's a photo and a short video of them in action.

After lots of walking (I later calculated that we had walked about 5.6 km), we came home along the roadside and Eli discovered (by stepping on it) a snake that had been killed on the road. This was undoubtedly the highlight of his walk, as he kept on talking about how he'd found it and how that was the first snake that he'd ever stepped on...and I kept telling him that I hope that is the only snake he ever steps on...

Not far from home (about 500 m away actually) Eli wanted to record a message, about the snake and about a rock he'd collected...enjoy!

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