Sunday, December 16, 2012

Prep is done, bring on Grade 1!

Eli has finished his first year of school (with flying colours too - just in case you were wondering). His final day was a free dress day which culminated in a lunch-time party.

Before the food and craziness began, Eli and his class sang a few Christmas carols for the parents that came along and then each child presented their parents with a Christmas gift - which included a portfolio of their work from the whole year, a tree ornament and a ceramic photo frame (complete with photo) and a thermometer - not bad huh?

Let the party begin!
I took the opportunity to get some photos of Eli with his friends...

 ...but the sugar soon started to kick in...and with it came funny faces and crazy dancing! There was no music playing mind you, but these lads had a great time performing for the camera...Eli didn't eat too much sugary food, so he finished the day off ok, but I think a few of these kids would have driven their families crazy later in the afternoon.

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