Monday, July 4, 2011

Out for a walk.

It's been a bit of a dark and cold winter in Brisbane, so when the sun broke through the other day Eli and I thought that it might be nice if we let Zoomy and Swifty have a bit of a walk in the backyard.

Even though they've both slowed down as the weather has cooled, Zoomy, true to form, was pretty keen to get out and about and explore as soon as he was released onto the grass. He was certainly aware of our presence but didn't seem too bothered and he even looked at the camera for a few photos...

Throughout their stroll Eli and I took turns 'watching out for kookaburras' - to avoid a less than favourable end to the adventure.

After about 10 minutes, Swifty finally relaxed enough to poke his head out, look around and join Zoomy for a stroll.

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