We recently celebrated Ashford's (Addie's little brother) 1st birthday. Jeff and Paige had arranged for a birthday bash up in the rainforest, so I primed Eli with the promise of a trip to the jungle...
Eli really enjoyed the drive up the range, pointing out all of the big trees and the fact that the road was very windy, but by the time we arrived he really just wanted to get outside and kick a ball around...
Once everyone had arrived we went for a bushwalk to the lookout over Purling Brook Falls. Jeff, Murray, Joe and I were joined by five little monkeys standing on the wall - Archie, Addie, Eli, Niamh and Liam...as always, Eli was in the thick of things...
The view down to the waterfall was spectacular and I managed to snap a few quick photos in between reminding Eli that he shouldn't climb on the fence...
Back at the party, Ashford enjoyed opening some presents before it was time for him to blow out his candles.
At the same time, Eli enjoyed blowing on his 'blowout' (that's apparently what these things are called)...
After more running around, kicking balls and playing with sticks that he'd retrieved from the rainforest, Eli eventually found a vine that was just perfect for swinging on. This little video shows Eli and Addie doing their best Tarzan and Jane impersonations...and before long we had a line up for Eli's vine swing...
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