Monday, August 17, 2009

Beach break

We recently took advantage of some beautiful winter weather and had a break at the beach. Grandma and Grandad came along too, which meant we were able to go for rides in the boat and visit the sandbank in the middle of the Noosa River, which is one of our favourite places for a run and a splash.

For the first few days we were joined by Tyden, Anne, Alora and Fudge - here's a photo of the three beach bums that we spent most of our time chasing on our first visit to the sandbank...

On subsequent visits Eli and I did most of the running, while Grandma and Grandad watched on, although Eli did challenge Grandad to a few short sharp sprints.

Guess who has come this way?

Lifeguards (and little engineer) on duty.

Finally, I've recently acquired a new camera, which can do movies - so here's one of Eli splashing around in a small puddle on the sandbank.

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