Monday, April 21, 2008

Birthday Boy!

We still can't believe it, but Eli turned one on April 4, 2008 (that year has absolutely flown!). We had all of my side of the family over to help him celebrate and my mum brought a cake (or cakes) for him. I think she was lucky that we gave him a short, angular name!

We all had fun blowing the candle out, although I'm sure that Eli was disappointed that he couldn't use his hands!

And of course there were gifts - some were big, some were small, some were loud and all were colourful. Eli ripped into the wrapping paper with gusto and was pretty happy (albeit a little overwhelmed) with his lot. Of course that didn't stop him from using his new rake as a toothpick...

The highlight was probably the new tricycle, although he was pretty disappointed with the speed (or lack thereof) at which the pit crew put it together. Here he is (patiently) waiting for his grandad and uncle (who both work in the motor industry) to get it up and running.

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