Tuesday, November 11, 2008


We made orange juice popsicles, but they hadn't quite frozen yet. Eli had the most fun playing with the plastic bits and pouring the juice out (26 Oct).

Growth chart

We've got a tradition at the Noosa house of photographing Eli on the same carpet each time we visit. The idea is that it will be a neat way to show how big he is getting over time. It is getting more and more difficult to get him to stretch out and hold still....
On 19 Oct, you can see we are having difficulty getting him to hold still and stretch his arms and legs out. Puppy Gertie helped, but we didn't manage to get a photo of him that really shows his length.
Puppy Gertie did a better job of holding still for the photo.

Here's a sassy one of Eli tromping around upstairs.

Fun with friends

Just after my birthday, we had the chance to catch up with our friends Sam, Simon and Sylvie while they were camping near Noosa. Eli loved the water, as usual, and was less sure about the boat (probably because it means you aren't in the water). He inspired Sylvie to new levels of recklessness around water (sorry Sam and Simon....).

Beautiful big boy!

It's official that Eli is a boy now. He is beyond babydom, no matter how much we want to cling to our memories of the little bundle he used to be. Here are a few pictures from 28 Sept, just before he turned 1.5 years old. He was 11.3 kg (25 lbs) and 76 cm (30 inches). Wade was vacuuming the living room, so Eli picked up his big pillow and Noah's ark and settled down by the steps to play.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Yoghurt feels good.

Sometimes we can't feed Eli quickly enough. The other day I was feeding him some yoghurt and I made the mistake of stepping away for a few seconds to get some crackers...by the time I returned, Eli had grabbed the tub and the spoon and had started helping himself.

In fact, he did a great job - he didn't knock the tub over and most of the yoghurt even made it's way into his mouth. And as you can see from these photos, he obviously loved the freedom that comes with feeding himself.

Of course, eating becomes a distraction after a while and Eli soon decided that it might also be fun to play with his yoghurt. I was tempted to stop him at this point, but my curiousity got the better of me and I wanted to see how messy (=fun) things would get.

As you might have guessed, it turns out that Eli loves plunging his hand into the yoghurt tub, especially when I make the necessary noises to suggest that he shouldn't do it, like 'No! Don't do it Eli!'

Monday, July 21, 2008

A trip to the U.S.

We all went on a 4 week trip to the U.S. from the end of May to the end of June. It ended up being Eli's first time on a plane, as well as his second through ninth times! He did a great job on all the flights, and had a fantastic time meeting family and friends. Eli definitely had a different perspective on the highlights of the trip compared to what Wade and I would have said we normally look for, including thoroughly investigating hotel room air conditioners, playing with pillows, and trying all the chicken sandwiches at fast food chains. Here are some of the highlights.

Eli sees Bandolier National Park, NM in style.
Eli's motto for the trip: Portable cribs are for playing, not for sleeping. Note the crazed look.

Eli's main activity in New Mexico was hanging out with Kenna, Addison, Reecey and Griffin in their backyard. The wading pool was a big hit.

Spoiled for choice. Paul and Rachael came down to see us at the hotel in VA, and they were both reading books to Eli at the same time, which he thought was tops.

The pillow game, another hotel passtime-- I took this photo while throwing a pillow down to Wade and Eli. It was a great game, except I got several photos that were nothing but a while blur.

Four generations together in Nebraska -- Great Grandma, Grandma, Mum and Eli (and Dad too, so he doesn't feel left out).
Eli was enchanted with the many pillows and couches in the house.

Eli has some different ideas of what the highlights of the trip were. Checking out Great-Grandma and Grandma's house in Nebraska was definitely one of them. They thought they had put all the breakable or dangerous things away, but Eli is not to be underestimated!

We were very lucky to get a visit from Dan, Michelle, Max and Sierra from California. The kids had a blast together and here they are on the couch in the hotel.

Newly honed walking skills serve Eli well as he makes a dash for it.

The pool at the hotel in Salt Lake City was a highlight.

Saturday, April 26, 2008


Eli always loves a game of peek-a-boo. He hides behind the couch, or some other piece of furniture, and then inches forward to peek around the edge - all-the-while giving us a big cheeky smile like he's caught us out (and not the reverse). He then retreats back (out of our view) and begins the game all over again.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Little explorer

Eli took his first unassisted steps just a couple of days before his first birthday. Prior to that he'd been cruising ('walking' whilst leaning against cupboards, chairs, toys and even us) around the place, but now there really is no stopping him. Walking and cruising have further fuelled his desire to be an explorer - here he is, with the customary stick in his hand, on the move in our front yard.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Birthday Boy!

We still can't believe it, but Eli turned one on April 4, 2008 (that year has absolutely flown!). We had all of my side of the family over to help him celebrate and my mum brought a cake (or cakes) for him. I think she was lucky that we gave him a short, angular name!

We all had fun blowing the candle out, although I'm sure that Eli was disappointed that he couldn't use his hands!

And of course there were gifts - some were big, some were small, some were loud and all were colourful. Eli ripped into the wrapping paper with gusto and was pretty happy (albeit a little overwhelmed) with his lot. Of course that didn't stop him from using his new rake as a toothpick...

The highlight was probably the new tricycle, although he was pretty disappointed with the speed (or lack thereof) at which the pit crew put it together. Here he is (patiently) waiting for his grandad and uncle (who both work in the motor industry) to get it up and running.


Christy and I don't feel totally obsolete just yet, but Eli is quite happy reading books on his own these days. He turns pages (not necessarily in the right direction or order), points to characters, and even chats about the storyline (at least that's what I think those noises mean!). He doesn't even need to sit in our laps to do his reading anymore - here he is, in mum's big black chair, helping himself to a yarn about the rainbowfish.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Welcome to toddlerhood

I think it's official -- Eli can now cause enough havoc that he must be a toddler. His range of movements and activities has just exploded recently. He loves taking everything out of bags, laundry baskets, toy boxes, etc. His domain now includes the pantry. He has just started being able to stand without holding onto anything, so you would think he'd be a bit careful with where he does that. Nope. Here he is standing on a tupperware container in the pantry, both hands free to deal with the role of aluminium foil.

Visit to Byron Bay

Big beach, little man

Down the beach at top speed...
Our friends Paul and Rachael were able to stop by for a visit in early March during their honeymoon, and wanted to go to Byron Bay. The beach was excellent for crawling and getting in the surf since it had such a gentle slope. Eli loved the waves and was absolutely fearless as he crawled at top speed right into the waves.

Laundry helper

Eli is currently obsessed with the washer and dryer (and anything in the laundry room, really). He even sticks his head in holding a block or something and then bangs around inside the washer. He takes the clothes out faster than I can put them in. Fortunately, I have a longer attention span.