Monday, July 13, 2009

Just hang(er)ing with Eli.

Eli absolutely loves hangers. He often asks me for them and he's always keen to get his hands on a few blue ones (refer to earlier post on his obsession with blue).
Why buy toys if Eli is so eager to help with the laundry?

Eli's hanger antics always start off harmlessly enough, but it's not long before he and the hangers are involved in an epic wrestling match to the death! In the next series of photos you'll notice that Eli has been thrown onto his back by the hangers, but it turns out that he loves to kick out and grapple the hangers with his legs, so they've actually played right into his trap.

At the end of this particular session, which lasted for about an hour, Eli demanded that I place all of the hangers on top of him...must be part of his warm-down routine I guess.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

The many faces of butter popcorn

No real need for much text with this post - I think the photos tell the story. Eli has had raw popcorn (no butter or salt) a lot in the past, but just the other day I decided to treat him to some butter popcorn.

It turns out that he's a bit of a fan of butter popcorn (who would have thought?). Now I'm afraid that on the basis of this little experiment and his demands since then, that there's no going back to those bland old ways...

Balloons, blue and orange.

Eli loves balloons. Here are some photos of him playing with his favourite balloons, always the blue and orange ones, in our front room. In between hanging onto them tightly and giving me all manner of cheeking grins, he'd run around and whack them or kick them up into the air. Lots of fun. Needless to say we often have balloons in our house now - in fact, I think it's almost been a constant stream of balloons since his 2nd birthday in April!

For a while there it was a bit of a toss up as to whether Eli's favourite colour was blue or orange. He's always liked them both, but recently blue has won the battle and he's become a bit blue-obsessed. For example, when I dropped him at daycare the other day there was a big pile of building blocks on a mat and he systematically collected all of the blue ones that he could carry (around 10 of them) and started his own new blue-only pile of blocks. He also vigorously defended his blue blocks and I think he made it pretty clear to all of the other kids at daycare that they should never get between him and his blue blocks. I also think that it's a very good thing that some of the other kids aren't too fussed with blue.