He has a number of favourite climbs, including scaling the couch (complete with death-defying runs along it's length) and the pillars in our hallway (see the photos). Of course, coming down isn't as easy as going up, so there have been a few spills.
He's also very much into climbing the stairs and running and vaulting into the bath tub, before lying down and pretending to go to sleep in the tub. I've yet to photograph that particular activity, because I'm normally too busy chasing the little monkey!
He's a smart little fella too, because I was telling my mum about this particular activity of his the other day and he was obviously listening in, because he got down from the couch, ran to the stairs (spilling some milk out of his mouth as he went because he was laughing), scaled them and off he went vaulting into the tub for us, just to prove that a) he can do it and b) that he was listening in on our conversation.