Tuesday, November 11, 2008


We made orange juice popsicles, but they hadn't quite frozen yet. Eli had the most fun playing with the plastic bits and pouring the juice out (26 Oct).

Growth chart

We've got a tradition at the Noosa house of photographing Eli on the same carpet each time we visit. The idea is that it will be a neat way to show how big he is getting over time. It is getting more and more difficult to get him to stretch out and hold still....
On 19 Oct, you can see we are having difficulty getting him to hold still and stretch his arms and legs out. Puppy Gertie helped, but we didn't manage to get a photo of him that really shows his length.
Puppy Gertie did a better job of holding still for the photo.

Here's a sassy one of Eli tromping around upstairs.

Fun with friends

Just after my birthday, we had the chance to catch up with our friends Sam, Simon and Sylvie while they were camping near Noosa. Eli loved the water, as usual, and was less sure about the boat (probably because it means you aren't in the water). He inspired Sylvie to new levels of recklessness around water (sorry Sam and Simon....).

Beautiful big boy!

It's official that Eli is a boy now. He is beyond babydom, no matter how much we want to cling to our memories of the little bundle he used to be. Here are a few pictures from 28 Sept, just before he turned 1.5 years old. He was 11.3 kg (25 lbs) and 76 cm (30 inches). Wade was vacuuming the living room, so Eli picked up his big pillow and Noah's ark and settled down by the steps to play.