Monday, July 21, 2008

A trip to the U.S.

We all went on a 4 week trip to the U.S. from the end of May to the end of June. It ended up being Eli's first time on a plane, as well as his second through ninth times! He did a great job on all the flights, and had a fantastic time meeting family and friends. Eli definitely had a different perspective on the highlights of the trip compared to what Wade and I would have said we normally look for, including thoroughly investigating hotel room air conditioners, playing with pillows, and trying all the chicken sandwiches at fast food chains. Here are some of the highlights.

Eli sees Bandolier National Park, NM in style.
Eli's motto for the trip: Portable cribs are for playing, not for sleeping. Note the crazed look.

Eli's main activity in New Mexico was hanging out with Kenna, Addison, Reecey and Griffin in their backyard. The wading pool was a big hit.

Spoiled for choice. Paul and Rachael came down to see us at the hotel in VA, and they were both reading books to Eli at the same time, which he thought was tops.

The pillow game, another hotel passtime-- I took this photo while throwing a pillow down to Wade and Eli. It was a great game, except I got several photos that were nothing but a while blur.

Four generations together in Nebraska -- Great Grandma, Grandma, Mum and Eli (and Dad too, so he doesn't feel left out).
Eli was enchanted with the many pillows and couches in the house.

Eli has some different ideas of what the highlights of the trip were. Checking out Great-Grandma and Grandma's house in Nebraska was definitely one of them. They thought they had put all the breakable or dangerous things away, but Eli is not to be underestimated!

We were very lucky to get a visit from Dan, Michelle, Max and Sierra from California. The kids had a blast together and here they are on the couch in the hotel.

Newly honed walking skills serve Eli well as he makes a dash for it.

The pool at the hotel in Salt Lake City was a highlight.