Thursday, March 13, 2008

Welcome to toddlerhood

I think it's official -- Eli can now cause enough havoc that he must be a toddler. His range of movements and activities has just exploded recently. He loves taking everything out of bags, laundry baskets, toy boxes, etc. His domain now includes the pantry. He has just started being able to stand without holding onto anything, so you would think he'd be a bit careful with where he does that. Nope. Here he is standing on a tupperware container in the pantry, both hands free to deal with the role of aluminium foil.

Visit to Byron Bay

Big beach, little man

Down the beach at top speed...
Our friends Paul and Rachael were able to stop by for a visit in early March during their honeymoon, and wanted to go to Byron Bay. The beach was excellent for crawling and getting in the surf since it had such a gentle slope. Eli loved the waves and was absolutely fearless as he crawled at top speed right into the waves.

Laundry helper

Eli is currently obsessed with the washer and dryer (and anything in the laundry room, really). He even sticks his head in holding a block or something and then bangs around inside the washer. He takes the clothes out faster than I can put them in. Fortunately, I have a longer attention span.

Snap shots from February 2008

Fun sitting on the bean bag. Some assistance required getting on and off.

Cheeky smile -- just finished pushing his high chair around the room

Baby gate installation -- successful

All water is fun

Eli is mad keen about being in the water. So far, every type of water we've tried. Here he is in an inflatable pool in January. Despite it being filled with quite cold raintank water, he had a ball. He quickly discovered that he could make the water rush out the side. Next time, we used a hard-sided container...