Saturday, February 16, 2008

Exciting milestones

In all likelihood, I'm not going to manage to keep this up to date, so I'll fill you in on our exciting milestones since Nov 07. In mid-Dec, Eli's 2 upper teeth started coming through, so he's a 4 tooth baby now (no signs of the next one as of Feb 08, but Wade thinks they are just around the corner.....). He did his first real crawl on the 20th of Dec, just in time for getting himself over to the Christmas tree! And finally, after more than 2.5 months of persisting, he decided he likes eating solids right around the same time (so almost 9 months). His first chunky solids were bits of fish from a whiting that his grandfather Don caught and cooked just after Chrismas (photo of him having a grand old time in his high chair). Soon after crawling, he started pulling himself up to stand on everything from cabinets to legs.

Christmas at the beach

We all went up to the beach house for Christmas, and Eli had quite a time. He really got going on crawling and eating solids just before Christmas, so he had the beach house to explore in a new way. The weather was a bit rainy and cold, and the surf was big and ugly starting just after Christmas, but we managed to get a couple trips to the beach in. However, managing a sandy, salty boy and a camera seemed like too much work, so there aren't any pictures to record the event. Eli loved the sand, and particularly the wet sand and water right at the edge of the surf. We got to spend some time with our brother/sister-in-law's family, and here's a photo of a great game of catch (Eli is getting a bit of help with the catches from auntie Anne).